This prayer card may be purchased from ALL 866-538-5483 PO Box 1350,Stafford, VA 22555
*Holy Mary, Mother of God,we humbly ask that you use the power granted to you by the Holy Trinity and bring about the closing of the Planned Parenthood facility.
We ask you, oh Mother of Mercy, to ask your Son to have mercy on the preborn babies whose lives are ended either directly at this facility or by products sold to their mothers.
We also implore you, "who destroys heresies and crushes demons," to protect the teenagers who are lured to this facility and led into lives of sin. Remove this place of evil from their lives of purity and chastity.
Oh Virgin Most Pure, in honor of your inestimable purity, we pray.
(followed by three Hail Mary prayers.
*Prayer is approved by Bishop Emeritus John W. Yanta
I bought some of these cards for the Forty "Dayers" in Rochester, New York
If I cannot walk with them I will pray with them.
Bristol Palin as a teen found herself pregnant so now speaks out to teens about Chasity. As I stood outside the Rochester abortion mill teens would be called to talk with Side walk counselors and said they were not going in for abortions but were LURED by free contraceptives. They will return if their life styles prove to be "complicated" by a pregnancy. They are the CLIENTS without consent or knowledge of parents.