Sunday, February 27, 2011
Iron Dog Palin is second for some gold....
Some men had bloody knuckles from wrenches and repairs ;some men had them from pushing other men to the ground.
Iron DOg Race,
Protesters fightinh
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Pro-Union Protester LITERALLY Foams at the Mouth: "I'll Make You Suffer"
DID I GET THEM ALL?Not quite lol
Look at the spittle from this type A goon. lol
Go with clenched fist or stay home. This is called by a COMMUNIST named Van Jones and a idiot puke called THE Marxist Barry Obama They will ambush you; cause you to do violence.
ESPN Outside the Lines: Wasilla Warrior Sarah Palin
This was Barracuda in '82. The Lady is not through. When I played college woman's basketball we played half court and you did not cross the center line with the ball. Six women on each side. I was 5'2 " back then and my little legs (though thin then) were tired out easily. Ah those were the days. (54-62)
Beck & O'Reilly 2/25/2011: Discuss Van Jones and Qaradawi
Van Jones is an avowed Communist . Don't make me go back into teaching in the classroom that Capitalism is good and Communism is bad for America. The flight into Socialism is a Road To Serfdom. No longer would I present FDR and Woodrow Wilson as good presidents. No longer would I use up precious time working on multi-cultural nonsense. Now the classrooms are filled with praise and song abut the Marxist in the White House. Don't make me go back.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Sunday Evening I opened An E-mail .Here it is
This dude escaped but.....another whacko dude not so lucky... from my friend Dennis.

Don't you just love stories with happy endings? Must have been a bad fall.
"This reporter knows how to tell a story"
Associated Press
November 27, 2010
AUGUSTA, Ga. - A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia.
Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that the man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store.
When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.
Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program.
Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back. The cut did not appear to be severe.
The suspect, whose name was not released, was held until police arrived. The Richmond County Sheriff's office said it is investigating.
The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw, injuries he sustained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.

Don't you just love stories with happy endings? Must have been a bad fall.
"This reporter knows how to tell a story"
Associated Press
November 27, 2010
AUGUSTA, Ga. - A U.S. Marine reservist collecting toys for children was stabbed when he helped stop a suspected shoplifter in eastern Georgia.
Best Buy sales manager Orvin Smith told The Augusta Chronicle that the man was seen on surveillance cameras Friday putting a laptop under his jacket at the Augusta store.
When confronted, the man became irate, knocked down an employee, pulled a knife and ran toward the door.
Outside were four Marines collecting toys for the service branch's "Toys For Tots" program.
Smith said the Marines stopped the man, but he stabbed one of them, Cpl. Phillip Duggan, in the back. The cut did not appear to be severe.
The suspect, whose name was not released, was held until police arrived. The Richmond County Sheriff's office said it is investigating.
The suspect was transported to the local hospital with two broken arms, a broken leg, possible broken ribs, multiple contusions and assorted lacerations including a broken nose and jaw, injuries he sustained when he fell trying to run after stabbing the Marine.
Coming Days and Times for Obama Communist Uprisings

Michelle Malkin
Get ready: SEIU’s Purple Army nationwide protest schedule; teachers’ unions pressure members to show “solidarity”
By Michelle Malkin • February 20, 2011 12:54 AM
Attention, taxpayers and Tea Party activists. The Purple Army is coming to your town. Don’t let these Big Labor goons monopolize the protest square like they monopolize government workers.
Here’s their current schedule over the next four days nationwide via the SEIU website. All hands on deck:
2/21 – Helena, MT
2/21 – Carson City, NV
2/21 – Raleigh, NC
2/21 – Austin, TX
2/21 – Madison, WI
2/22 – Sacramento, CA
2/22 – Denver, CO
2/22 – Des Moines, IA
2/22 – Annapolis, MD
2/22 – Boston, MA
2/22 – Springfield, MA
2/22 – St. Paul, MN
2/22 – Santa Fe, NM
2/22 – Columbus OH
2/22 – Providence, RI
2/22 – Montpelier, VT
2/22 – Madison, WI
2/23 – Hartford, CT
2/23 – Atlanta, GA
2/23 – Scranton, PA
2/24 – Canton, OH
Here’s a list of events coming up in your state this week. The list will continue to grow, probably by the hour, so keep checking back in. Use the sign-up form to the right and one of our organizers will be in touch with more information about the event.
Events on Monday February 21, 2011 (All times local)
Time: 2 P.M.
Location: Montana State Capitol
Address: 1301 East 6th Avenue – Helena, Montana
Time: 12 P.M.
Location: Nevada State Capitol
Address: 101 North Carson Street – Carson City, NV 89701
North Carolina
Time: 12 P.M. Location:
Address: 1 East Edenton Street – Raleigh, NC 27601
Candlelight March and Vigil
Time: 6:45 P.M.
Location: Meet at TX AFL-CIO
Address: 1106 Lavaca St. – Austin, TX. 78701
Time: All Day
Location: State Capitol
Address: 2 East Main Street – Madison, WI. 53702
Events on Tuesday February 22, 2011 (All times local)
Time: 5:30 P.M.
Location: State Capitol West Steps
Address: 1315 10th Street – Sacramento, CA 95814
Time: 12:00 P.M.
Location: Colorado State Capitol
Address: 200 East Colfax Avenue (West Steps) – Denver, CO. 80203
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Iowa State Capitol
Address: 1007 East Grand Avenue – Des Moines, IA
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Lawyers’ Mall, Maryland State House
Address: 100 State Circle – Annapolis, MD. 21401
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: State House
Address: 1 Ashburton Pl – Boston, MA 02108
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: City Hall Steps
Address: 36 Court Street – Springfield, MA 01103
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Minnesota State Capitol
Address: 75 Constitution Ave – St. Paul, MN 55101
Time: 1:00 PM
Location: Capitol Building
Address: 1395 Dublin Rd – Columbus, OH 43215
New Mexico
Time: 12:15 PM
Location: East Side of the State House
Address: 490 Old Santa Fe Trl # 219 – Santa Fe, NM 87501
Rhode Island
Time: 4:30 PM
Location: Rhode Island State House
Address: 90 Smith St – Providence, RI 02903
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Vermont State Capitol Building
Address: 115 State Street – Montpelier, VT. 05602
Time: All Day
Location: State Capitol
Address: 2 East Main Street – Madison, WI. 53702
Events on Wednesday February 23, 2011 (All times local)
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: State Capitol Building, West Steps
Address: 210 Capitol Avenue – Hartford, CT. 06106
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: State Capitol Building
Address: 206 Washington St – Atlanta, GA, 30334
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Lackawana Court House
Address: 200 Adams Avenue – Scranton, PA 18503
Events on Thursday February 24, 2011 (All times local)
Protest against Governor Kasich
Time: 4:00 PM
Location: Canton Civic Center
Address: 1101 Market Ave N. – Canton, Oh 44702
In Wisconsin, SEIU president Mary Kay Henry, Andy Stern’s successor, will drop in for a mob pep talk and Democrat canvassing
EDITORIAL: Obama's war on democracy - Washington Times
EDITORIAL: Obama's war on democracy - Washington Times
The call to end unions could happen because there no longer is a need for organizations like teacher's unions. Union leaders ,who are fat and getting rich off members,should be taxed at a higher rate. That is the first reason to do away with them. That and because union members make more in the public job sector than the private sectors.The third reason for their elimination is the unions have turned into an arm for Obama's propaganda. Unions have turned into making Communist and Socialist Democratic ideologies the prevailing thoughts of today. Unions are no longer needed for advancements of the union members.
In Madison, a missive from Sarah Palin warns the union "Brothers and Sisters" that they are about to lose pay and perhaps even their jobs listening to Obama and the Union Leaders. SEE HER MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK. It was read to the Tea Party rally and the teachers in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday.Here Palin's calm ,common sense words were well received by the crowd when they were read aloud.
She stands behind Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) and reasoned that when her state had no more money with which to bargain she had to, like Walker is doing , face down the union leaders. Obama is an agitator and divider who played basketball and sent his fatuous family off on a tax-payer junket to Vail ski resorts.
The vitriol of the Obama supported mobs shouted "KILL THE BILL" over and over again. Are we to assume some Obat will take up a gun and start shooting in Wisconsin to kill someone who stands for the BILL TO BE PASSED. Collective bargaining is done in good faith NOT when one side is nothing but greedy and the other side hasn't funds enough to negotiate.
Look on this site for the map which shows where the Agitator-In-Chief will cause riots next. Incidents are happening already in unions against the Republican Governor in OHIO. Obama wanted to take it to the streets like the thug he is .Power and money grabs are his specialty. His close mentor Frances Fox Pivens should be all smiles that people are taking their demands to the streets in the forms of riots and other disruptions.Shutting down schools would be a good start for her.
WE ARE AT WAR .To whom do we report infractions? We Americans have a right in the First Amendment to show our grievances .THE TEA PARTY and WE THE PEOPLE will respond to Obama.
I look forward to Governor Palin leading the charge against him and to keep on doing what she has been for the past 2 years-being our spokesperson.
Witch Pivens and Obama's other Domestic Violence Cheerleader against the people , Nancy Pelosi, can only make squeaks from the side lines. She stands in "solidarity" with the union and their outlaw demands. I am glad we made her little more than an unwanted side dish. Palin worked hard for a Republican Majority in the HOUSE.She and they are on our side.
PALIN 2012
The call to end unions could happen because there no longer is a need for organizations like teacher's unions. Union leaders ,who are fat and getting rich off members,should be taxed at a higher rate. That is the first reason to do away with them. That and because union members make more in the public job sector than the private sectors.The third reason for their elimination is the unions have turned into an arm for Obama's propaganda. Unions have turned into making Communist and Socialist Democratic ideologies the prevailing thoughts of today. Unions are no longer needed for advancements of the union members.
In Madison, a missive from Sarah Palin warns the union "Brothers and Sisters" that they are about to lose pay and perhaps even their jobs listening to Obama and the Union Leaders. SEE HER MESSAGE ON FACEBOOK. It was read to the Tea Party rally and the teachers in Madison, Wisconsin on Saturday.Here Palin's calm ,common sense words were well received by the crowd when they were read aloud.
She stands behind Governor Scott Walker (R-WI) and reasoned that when her state had no more money with which to bargain she had to, like Walker is doing , face down the union leaders. Obama is an agitator and divider who played basketball and sent his fatuous family off on a tax-payer junket to Vail ski resorts.
The vitriol of the Obama supported mobs shouted "KILL THE BILL" over and over again. Are we to assume some Obat will take up a gun and start shooting in Wisconsin to kill someone who stands for the BILL TO BE PASSED. Collective bargaining is done in good faith NOT when one side is nothing but greedy and the other side hasn't funds enough to negotiate.
Look on this site for the map which shows where the Agitator-In-Chief will cause riots next. Incidents are happening already in unions against the Republican Governor in OHIO. Obama wanted to take it to the streets like the thug he is .Power and money grabs are his specialty. His close mentor Frances Fox Pivens should be all smiles that people are taking their demands to the streets in the forms of riots and other disruptions.Shutting down schools would be a good start for her.
WE ARE AT WAR .To whom do we report infractions? We Americans have a right in the First Amendment to show our grievances .THE TEA PARTY and WE THE PEOPLE will respond to Obama.
I look forward to Governor Palin leading the charge against him and to keep on doing what she has been for the past 2 years-being our spokesperson.
Witch Pivens and Obama's other Domestic Violence Cheerleader against the people , Nancy Pelosi, can only make squeaks from the side lines. She stands in "solidarity" with the union and their outlaw demands. I am glad we made her little more than an unwanted side dish. Palin worked hard for a Republican Majority in the HOUSE.She and they are on our side.
PALIN 2012
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Future Riots Planned by Obama Rats and Commies
Phony Obama rats and commies faked concern over this map for a campaign but publish MAP OF USA and how they intend on over-throwing The Constitution.

Palin sent nice note while Obama peed himself
This was the SARAH PALIN Facebook note written to Tea Party in Madison ,Wisconsin. While the above obat peed himself while ripping out wires.
Agreeing with Sarah Palin on Striking Teachers in Union
Watch live streaming video from theuptake at
Seek out Governor Sarah Palin's common sense directive to Teacher Unions. Her family like my family have scores of teachers in them.
I belonged to a teacher's union but I could never be told to teach this commie crap that unions push today. Why? Because I hate Marxism and now Socialism is getting on my last nerve!
Unions were just beginning to preach an illogical solidarity with others no matter if their issues were right or wrong. It has come to this powerful ,unreasonable dismantling of America.
Marxism In Unions,
Friday, February 18, 2011
Obama takes on Wisconsin just like he did Arizona
Obama the community organizer/agitator sides with striking teachers in Wisconsin. Obama the community/ agitator sided with illegal aliens in Arizona. Obama the community idiot should be impeached.
Gee, you would think that Socialist Democrats from Wisconsin, ran out of their hiding place in their Illinois Hotel without their pants on. Seems they just ran out without their brains
Wisconsin is going to fire them and probably the teachers who are out on strike begging to raise their state's debt ceiling. Today we do research to see if the teacher's performances are tied to performances of their students. There is a strong nexus to me. If the students score as low as the students in my area then the teachers need to get NO RAISE NO BENEFITS JUST SOME MORE TRAINING TO IMPROVE.
Our school district ratio of high paid administrators to teachers is 23 to every teacher. It should not be 23 it should be 180 to every teacher. Over the years my salary rose but the students kept failing. Schools were put on probation and some closed down. But we all got our raises and the administrators added to their bargaining unit.
The run-away Wisconsin state legislator said the people need to have more time to look over the consequences of the governor's (WALKER -R) cuts.The legislator is posing an idle threat. Parents need to close down the schools and have those same parents HOME SCHOOL their kids. Socialist Democrats need to cool their heels. They are dead wrong and the parents with help from TEA PARTY groups will oversee the endings of the profligate Socialist Democrat spending. Obama has to go for agitating and also, for agreeing with unions who want to break the state.
It will all work out.

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
One-on-one with Sarah Palin
Honest candid reasons for resigning. Palin wrote it in a form letter to me that she and Todd will keep on working for as longs as they were needed.
Sarah is needed. Todd is needed.
Palin 2012
Monday, February 14, 2011
Sarah Won This Debate ....
The First time Ever I saw Her I loved this when I first saw it . Way before
Sunday, February 13, 2011
From EAT PRAY LOVE horrible movie but I love this song...I painted a dancing woman it's somewhere...
Slow news day....Neil Young is from Canada ..they gave us something.... also YOU CAN'T ALWAYS GET WHAT YOU WANT... they know up North....
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Who is Tammy Bruce( 2007 Speech to YAF)
***West/Bruce Ticket for 2020!

Tammy in white blouse circa 2010...

Tammy in white blouse circa 2010...

Spend 57 minutess with Tammy BruceLA RADIO HOST in 2007 as she spoke to YAF group at the Reagan Center .
Tammy Bruce-07 at YAF
Obama did not hear the first time!
Photo of Anne Harpen and Joe The Plumber at GOOOH meeting in OHIO last summer... we will sing and march again. He only hears Muslim extremest in EGYPT . We will go elsewhere for our leadership. Obama gets worst president demotion.
The Three Joes are having a fundraiser to get rid of him:
From Joe the Sheriff
From Joe the Plumber and
From Joe the Miller ESQ
Send donation to Campaign To Defeat Obama
PO BOX 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684 we will sing and march again. He only hears Muslim extremest in EGYPT . We will go elsewhere for our leadership. Obama gets worst president demotion.
The Three Joes are having a fundraiser to get rid of him:
From Joe the Sheriff
From Joe the Plumber and
From Joe the Miller ESQ
Send donation to Campaign To Defeat Obama
PO BOX 601684
Sacramento, CA 95860-1684
Singer Anne Harpen,
Three Joe's Fundraiser
Friday, February 11, 2011
Obummer! by Christina Houston
How sweet it is ..Dance to the music.THINK PALIN IN LESS THAN 24 months PRESIDENT PALIN ahhhh ahhh ah ahhhhh!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Palin tells the truth about Obama
Here is another nail for the Muslim Brotherhood-their creedo:
God is our Goal.
KORAN is our Constitution.
Mahamood is Spiritual Leader.
Hey, you can have your spiritual leader but when you live in the USA our Constitution is the HIGHEST LAW OF THE LAND.We do not accept SHARIA LAW which has as its basis The Koran. Obama supports the Muslim Brotherhood and finds Muslim calls to prayer the most beautiful sound in the world. His words not mine. The POTUS and Mrs. POTbelly will be happy in a Islam Sharia Land.At least there the Mrs Potbelly has to shut up and cover her face.
Everyone says to wake up America . Just read and do what comes natural to an aware, awake American. Obama is trying to backtrack from his support of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is trying to back away mostly because support of our avowed enemy is treason. Aiding and abetting the enemy are articles which may be included in his Impeachment by the HOUSE. See the US Constitution Article 2 Section 4 and Article 3 Section 3. E-mail and discuss this with your elected House member for your district.
Obama's plans for Egypt's take over by the Muslim Brotherhood is considered bad by Saudi Arabia also. They will give Egypt any money that the Obama will take from them in the form of US aid. No one likes Obama's plans and certainly Governor Palin is speaking out against his befuddled diplomacy with Egypt. It makes both him and Hillary Clinton the simpletons of the world. So much for Obama leading the "World Caliphate". He is standing in the way of a Caliphate by his unwise actions which is good for us.
This is not Sharia Law Land because that would be LAWLESS LAND. We are a Republic free of the KORAN and for some of us free of Mahamood. Keep it that way.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
If you had your druthers... (also take POLL)

Some hints on people with whom you would watch today's Super Bowl. Sarah is serving appitizers with Salmon and Alaskan King Crab.
Super Bowl Choices
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Here All Along
I hope Here all along is here to stay for the duration of the war against Marxism Communism and Socialism.
PALIN 2012 to 2220
Give her a big hug ....
At the YAF speech an introduction to give Sarah Palin a big hug and tell her we love her...
Then get in a Photo Line to have pics with the Gov! The Reagan Youth Foundation was hopping last night when Sarah Palin gave the keynote speech.
Sarah Palin Speech,
Just moments ago Gov Palin's speech at the Reagan Center for his Centennial Celebration
Just moments ago Gov Palin's speech at the Reagan Center for his Centennial Celebration
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Reagan Centennial-YAF
Waiting for Sarah Palin to speak on Friday and Dick Cheney Saturday night. CENTENNIAL Celebrations.
Reagan Centennial,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
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