Sunday, March 29, 2009

Where there is a will , there is a way.

Florida and other states, I am sure, will try to cancel Tea Party rallies.
Insurance is available through your local governments and the police must be told and their time paid for by the organizers. There is no way of telling how much the insurance would be...perhaps as much as $500. You will have no idea how many will show up.

Cancel the large ,planned Tea Parties and meet at a certain time in the parking lots of the many Food Pantries around your area.
Meet and leave bags and boxes of tea bags for the food pantry to give away to the poor which they service.
Meet and greet each other and then disperse. Take names and e-mail addresses if you want to meet later on private property. You would have to have someone who will bring this info to one spot for later oragnizing.
Call them Tea Party Service Meetings.