Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Praises To Jesus

The day after my brother told me we have a cousin in Iraq I received this from MOVE AMERICA FORWARD. It's a THANK YOU from the organization that had the TROOPATHON DAY . We all watched a TELETHON on the internet and called in our contributions to purchase packages for the UNITED STATES troops -the HONORABLE MEN AND WOMEN around the globe.
They are overseas ,mostly, and they do not wear the red tee-shirts like ACORN. It is hard to believe they are fighting to protect even groups who lie , steal, cheat and defraud voters in America.
Here are some parts of the e-mail message.
It is hard for me to wrap my mind and heart around the RIGHTS our military are protecting for us in this country.
Say a prayer for them and for me. And if your spirit moves you, send them a package.


Move America Forward

Over 100,000 American military men and women are serving on the ground in Iraq & Afghanistan right now - even as you read this message they are undertaking their missions with the highest level of professionalism of any military in the world. These men & women are American heroes who bravely & honorably serve our nation, and they deserve the full support and love of the American people.
To show our nation's gratitude, Move America Forward partnered with pro-troops celebrities all over the country to raise money for the troops during our second annual troopathon "Honor Their Service" And YOU can be a part of this historic effort.
Since June 25th, we have shipped thousands of care packages to Iraq and Afghanistan, and just so you know how much these care packages mean to our troops we've included a sampling of the HUNDREDS of thank you messages our troops have sent back. When you sponsor a care package we'll include your name and address and a personalized message FROM YOU - so that our troops can write back and send their gratitude to you as well! So enjoy these messages of "thanks" from our troops serving overseas:
This letter from Afghanistan was very moving - and shows the selfless nature of our troops who readily share the contents of the care packages they receive with those serving alongside them. We were particularly moved by this sentence from the 'thank you' note: "To know that someone is thinking of us is such a great feeling inside."
Note in this letter the gratitude shown by those who have received care packages from fellow Americans such as yourself: "I'm glad there are supporters like you still looking out for guys like me. I want you to know that every little note or every package we get brings a smile to our faces."
And we know you'll share the pride we have for the service of our military men and women when you read this note, which included the following passage: "But the REALLY long days are us choosing to work that long, total selfless dedication to the mission and the great nation we defend."
So help us make history and shower our troops with the largest shipment of love and care packages in history. There are a number of different sized care packages you can sponsor - whether you want to show your support for just a couple of our troops or a full Battalion or Company. Select from one of the following care packages below:

Battalion Pack Serves 50-60 Troops Company Pack Serves 25-30 Troops
Platoon Pack Serves 15-20 Troops Squad Pack Serves 8-10 Troops
Large Pack Serves 3-4 Troops
Small Pack Serves 1-2 Troops
And if you want to learn more about the organization leading this drive to send the largest shipment of care packages to U.S. troops in history watch this video below. You can trust that your donations will be used to directly support the heroic men and women of the U.S. Armed Forces:

So there you have it. We can make history and show our troops the love and support of a grateful nation. But we'll only reach our goal if YOU join this cause and sponsor care packages for our troops. We're counting on you and the good people of America to step forward and show your support right now!

And when you're done, please forward this email to your friends and challenge them to match your donation to this cause.

Thanks so much. It really means a lot to us here that you took a moment and made the effort to show our troops serving overseas - our fellow Americans - that you care.
Stories We're Tracking

A.P.: U.S. General May Ask for More Troops in Afghanistan

Today on MAF's Blog

MIL Blogger: Pay-Pal SHUTS DOWN Gun-Blogger's Fundraiser FOR THE TROOPS!

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