The White House's concerted effort to harass Conservatives becomes expensive. But when you send in $5 or $500 you know you are lifting the personal burdens of those under attack.
Send in a check and say "THANK YOU FOR TAKING THE HEAT FOR ALL OF US." Sarah Palin:
The Alaska Fund Trust, P.O. Box 876954, Wasilla, AK 99687-6954
Michael Savage:
Michael Savage Legal Fund
Four Embarcadero Center, 39th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111
Michael P. Leahy,Founder of PJTV and #TCOT #TeaParty
Go to his site to see what he needs and THANK HIM!
http://www.tcotreport.comTammy Bruce Radio Show has devoted at least an hour on the Michael Savage attack form Labor Socialist Party in England.
Bill Cunningham ,radio talk show host, has called for all talk show hosts to join renouncing the Michael Savage attacks.
Rush Limbaugh is ALWAYS under attack as are Sean Hannity (by the POTUS -his- grand self)and Bill O'Reilly by MSNBC and GE aka Rachael Madcow and Keith Overbite.
Glenn Beck was recently put in the cauldron then eaten and spit out by the witches on the VIEW. Beck will get more heat I am sure, so stayed tune.
Jeanine Gargoyle does a split matrix and sits stony/ stoned on either side of the White House.
"When they came for them we responded with checks and the power of the typed-word."
So,Michael Steele take heed : these are the popular leader's voices who are under attack.
REPEAT:When they came for them we responded with checks and the power of the typed-word."
We cared is the rest of the story.