Today, the e-mail from the Tea Party Express III -The "Just Vote Them Out Tour" and The OUR COUNTRY PAC stated that Harry "Witch" Reid has collected $10 million dollars for his campaign to get re-elected. Outside money to the state of Nevada must have come pouring in.
The WITCH is on wall to wall TV and in Radio Ads blanketing the poor state. 10 Million is a great deal of money but it was necessary for the democrat socialists to defend their position of destroying the whole country in the upcoming 2010 elections.
OUR COUNTRY PAC is asking the nation to go to their site and donate as little as $5 to help combat the Wicked.
That seems to be a reasonable request to me. Every time I take out my charge card and hit the DONATE BUTTON I repeat FREEDOM IS NOT FREE.

A defeat of the Obama Death Care Bill would be an enormous gift and one that was fought for by the Patriots who went to Washington, DC yesterday to rally for CODE RED and walk the Senate Office Building to visit other tyrants.