Saturday, January 30, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Grand Ol' Opry Hotel for Grand Ol' Tea Party Convention
ALERT:SPEECHES and WORKSHOPS and Delegate Comments will by seen on TV.

Joseph Farah founder of World Net Daily will be in attendance at the First National Tea Party Convention . The WND is one site I check everyday and today they had a good article about the upcoming convention .
The Tea Party Nation Convention has 500 on their waiting list to get into the workshops and speakers for Feb 4-6 Convention. There are still some seats for the banquet on Feb 6 with Governor Sarah Palin as the Keynote Speaker. Banquet only tickets can be purchased at TEA PARTY NATION site.
Keynoter Palin**
Tom Tancredo, well known advocate for protecting our borders will be there . Phyliss Shlafly founder of EAGLE FORUM as well as JUDICIAL WATCH sponsored TPN. I have been following Eagle Forum which endorses the best Conservative candidates at election time. The Judicial Watch lawyers work tirelessly to present amicus briefs on court cases of interest to all Conservatives. They keep a careful watch on illegal campaigning by the Clintons and of course the Obama "events" and the thugs.
The workshops should be very interesting and informative. Attendees representing many city tea party groups will get packets to take back to their groups. The TPN is a name which is owned privately and the TPN Convention is paid for by the individual attendees.

Joseph Farah founder of World Net Daily will be in attendance at the First National Tea Party Convention . The WND is one site I check everyday and today they had a good article about the upcoming convention .
The Tea Party Nation Convention has 500 on their waiting list to get into the workshops and speakers for Feb 4-6 Convention. There are still some seats for the banquet on Feb 6 with Governor Sarah Palin as the Keynote Speaker. Banquet only tickets can be purchased at TEA PARTY NATION site.

Tom Tancredo, well known advocate for protecting our borders will be there . Phyliss Shlafly founder of EAGLE FORUM as well as JUDICIAL WATCH sponsored TPN. I have been following Eagle Forum which endorses the best Conservative candidates at election time. The Judicial Watch lawyers work tirelessly to present amicus briefs on court cases of interest to all Conservatives. They keep a careful watch on illegal campaigning by the Clintons and of course the Obama "events" and the thugs.
The workshops should be very interesting and informative. Attendees representing many city tea party groups will get packets to take back to their groups. The TPN is a name which is owned privately and the TPN Convention is paid for by the individual attendees.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Heroes and Really Good TV and Radio

Something to think about this morning pictured here.
There were many good programs on last night and watching Obama trying to get in control of the government was not one of them. Working with Obama and Pelosi and Reid need not even be considered.
Really funny TV was watching Archie Bunker trying not to baby sit for his grandchild . Then on radio after trash stopped mumbling;RED STATE this morning said the speech was boring among other things. Michael Savage was interesting. Hannity Radio Show found me deep asleep at 11:00 or so. I did not have to take blood pressure pills or something to make me sleep because unpleasant idiots were avoided.
Life is good.
American Heroes,
Red State
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
TOTUS Won't Darken By Screen This P M

Governor Sarah Palin has already pretty much posted in her FACEBOOK NOTES the actual STATE OF THE UNION ADDRESS. Or as some prefer to call O's speech the STFU Address. I have no idea what STFU letters mean. ahem.......
I am treating this day as a day to clean out my checking account-day and donating what was in there to ALLEN WEST House candidate in Florida and Patrick Hughes running in Illinois Senate Primary February 2nd (The old Obama seat) and Marco Rubio for the US Senate in the primary in Florida and to Rep.Michele Bachmann running for re-election is Minnesota (not the land of Clown Al Franken but the Land of 10,000 Lakes) and to 2012 Draft Sarah Committee so they have a large SARAH PALIN table at CPAC ,laden with 2012 Palin Buttons to hand out and some $ to a private attendee going to The First National Tea Party Convention in Nashville February 4-6...Phew........Oh and I forgot some to JD HAYWORTH running against Juan Mc Cain in Republican Primary in Arizona... you thought all that money going to Scott Brown in Massachusetts who won with our $13,000,000 Campaign Contributions and has $4 million left (so "they" say).. and here you thought you and I were done once Scott won. Nope. Not the case we all have to keep going until like GOOOH Get Out Of Our House Flips the entire HOUSE. Flipping it with CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES and WINNERS.
We will ...we will ... we will keep on Keeping On ....
Allen West,
JD Hayworth,
Marco Rubio,
Michele Bachmann,
Patrick Huges
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Who's Afraid of Chris Matthews or Harry Reid?

Who is afraid of Reid or Matthews? They are,together as one, the Wizard behind the curtain. As unsubstantial and ephemeral as you can get. They think they are power brokers and people who are not quite awake or willing to fully participate in keeping their LIBERTY,relinquish to them and Obama that power they unjustly claim is theirs.
Somehow that little twerp of a man from Las Vegas will soon have his knobby knees exposed when WE DESERVE BETTER PAC make him drop his trousers ..opps I mean drop the curtain.Tea Party Express III has mounted an ad campaign in Nevada worth thousands of dollars to get rid of Reid. No amount of defense from the blathering Chris Matthews will save him or his daddy ,Obama.
The video below is from a We Deserve Better PAC press conference. It was carried throughout Nevada. It features William Owens who certainly is an up and coming Conservative leader
I write about the TEA PARTY EXPRESS and it's main sponsor We Deserve Better all of the time because I contribute the most money to them and to SARAH PAC.
When things are not going RIGHT I give money as an answer. It worked for me in supporting Scott Brown and stopping Death Care in its spiraling attack to ruin my country and my health program. I take it all very personal and fight back the only way I can.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Palin and Bachmann Campaign In Minnesota

Governor Palin and Representative Michele Bachmann (R Minn) will campaign together on April 7,2010. A "Money Bomb " will be needed by Bachmann as she faces strong union support for her opponents.
Representative Bachmann has a friend and colleague much more important than fuddy duddy old man and his rants. Arlen Spectacle needs to learn how to share ideas with women instead of ranting at them. Spectacle represents the finest in Democrat Socialist Chauvinistic Pigs. He is way behind in his own re-election campaign. Can you wonder why? He pulled this same kind of rant on Laura Ingraham on her show. It was pretty embarrassing to hear the first time.
Palin/Bachmann 2012 Vote in poll on left if you think so too.###
Thursday, January 21, 2010
February 4,5,6 and 7 With Governor Palin

February 4 to 6: Governor Palin and Representative Michele Bachmann will be among speakers at The First National Tea Party Convention in Nashville, Tennessee.The tickets for this event are pretty much sold out expect waiting room status only. Gov. Palin will be the Key Note Speaker and Rep. Bachmann will speak at one of the breakfast gatherings. I believe Rep.Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) will introduce Palin.
A new Date for Governor Palin will be set in Houston On February 7th. It is a rally for support with Governor Perry . Reservation information for the event in Houston is HERE.

It is not up to me to understand (except it must be loyalty) why Palin will be going on to a support rally for John McCain in Arizona in March. I said some place else in a comment section on an article in Red State :Governor Palin DOES NOT HAVE A HANDLER.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Thank you.

Most of the people Scott Brown should have thanked were not in the room where he made his acceptance speech. The speech I might add was a Sarah Palin stump speech she always makes for Common Sense Conservatism. He forgot to mention energy independence, though. Sarah said on Greta's show that he didn't even call her for help.
All of the contributors and MONEY BOMB participants and phone callers and bloggers for Brown were not in the room. They were not thanked.
Romney, Ted Kennedy's ghost and Doug Flutie were thanked. So was Mc Cain's ghost thanked. I think when you repeat someone else's' stump speech you should say a few times where it came from.
All in all I was surprised that the crooked Bahston mob machine let him win without lawyers and a trial but that is a good thing. Kennedy might just really be dead.
Tea Party and Project 912 workers know this is not the time to drink or clebrate. There is much work to do. Working for a downfall of the Republican Establishment and the old guard like the Govenor's Association will be massive job. They must all become responsive to the DEMANDS of the people as stated by the rallys, townhall meetings and placard messages. In other words,I do not think Scott Brown or Michael Steele or FOX NEWS analyists even know how Scott Brown made it up to the stage to say, Thank you.
Palin 2012.
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
It Is Time To Join the Republican Party and The National Precinct Alliance
Sarah Pac is gearing up to help Conservative Candidates in either party for the 2010 election.
On his show, Sarah and Glenn Beck discussed a third party for the 2012 presidential election. She said that a third party was not in the making and that the Tea Party was not a third party. Sarah declared she was a Republican -a major party in our two party system in America. We can infer from that because there are only two major parties she would be a Republican Candidate if nominated.
It is time for all able bodied men and women to join Republicans and to join the National Precinct Alliance.
Be prepared to attend some local meetings and to walk the streets canvassing and making phone calls toward the end of the presidential campaign in 2012.
AT least a million people have signed onto Sarah's FaceBook page and asked what they could do. Now they know!
Look at the video again if you are not moved to plan your activities from now until 2012.
Glenn Beck,
National Precinct Alliance,
Sarah Palin
Just The Facts

Facts that Sarah Palin's fans find interesting. What tattoo does Track have on his arm? How will the Palin's take those long air plane rides from Alaska to New York City? What is the last book that Sarah read that she found so interesting? Will Sarah write another book? Does Sarah still think Trig is challenging? What comedy show does Sarah want to co-host with Glenn Beck?
All HERE and in the hour long Glenn Beck show from Wednesday on FOX NEWS.
Bring O'Reilly Down To Size

O'Reilly did to Sarah what he also did in one of his interviews with George Bush. You will remember that O'Reilly and his producers made the two of them walk down the hall together. O'Reilly towered over Bush even though Bush is not short he was made to look small. First impression is O'Reilly's ego gets annoying!
The staging for Sarah and Bill was frightful. Bill towered in his host's chair and Sarah got smaller and smaller in a shorter chair. Sarah is of average height for a woman.Tricks of the trade for an enormous O'Reilly ego. Sarah was supposed to be a NEWS CONTRIBUTOR. That spot last night was not about her debut as a contributor of anything. O'Reilly turned it into an interview of Sarah. Let's hope Glenn Beck does a little better in her one hour with him tonight (Wednesday).
Sarah Palin looked very formal and serious in her black dress and very sophisticated makeup-job. I am keeping an eye on the makeup staff at FOX. I know you are too. I mean how many of us feel nauseous over Shep Smiths eye liner? You think you do not notice this but after listening a few minutes your eyes take in the whole ambiance of the scene and that includes the staging, costume and makeup.
Bill O'Reilly uses his no spin zone to spin. After last night's spin all over Sarah Palin more evidence is piling up against O'Reilly. O'Reilly asked one question of Sarah about Iran and then cut her off after he could not lead her to say she will invade Iran WHEN she is president. O'Reilly then moved on to a book review of written by Himmler and Hitler (whatever) of a book called The Game Change or some such title. The book could have been written in the Obamanation's White House by the Obat wing bats. Like out of Axe man's or Rambo's offices. The book trashes Palin . The book is about innuendo and malicious gossip spun into one ideation- that Sarah Palin is not smart.O'Reilly got those words in two or three times and ended with a phony idea of his that he (Bill) does not think Sarah is stupid.
Neither are we Bill.
As to where Billy is going with this fair and balance garbage with CAIR I do not know. Fair and balanced on the O'Reilly program means a fact is stated and then Billy boy allows a "balance" of the opposition. The only thing is the opposition is full of lies and distortions and hidden agendas.Take out time now to read this lengthy article in World Net Daily.
Arab interest in FOX was 13% or a little more. The last time I checked it was 13%. When I learned that I said what is a mere 13%? Someone else had 87% interest in Murdoch's FOX company but now it seems that the 13% is a foot in the door of a body that is interested in coming in and installing Sharia Law.
When O'Reilly gets boorish I keep him turned off. I am not a slave to his show. Just like I used to turn off Hannity when goofy Alan Colmes was on. Colmes was the "balance" or as I now think of him: he was a bad drug trip gone wild. Too much Tylenol can send me into dizzy spells just like Colmes' idiocy used to do.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Lt.Col.In Massachusetts National Guard *Scott Brown*

Lt Col Scott Brown in uniform. Something about a man in Uniform...even the happily married ones.
Should I juxtapose his photo with General George Washington?
From an e-mail by MAF Move America Forward which is collecting money for Scott and the special election on January 19th.
Obama and Biden and Clinton coming into town this weekend. pfftttt
Mass. Lt. Col. Scott Brown
Brown Wins Debate and Raises Big Dollars
Why does Lt. Col. Scott Brown from Massachusetts remind me of General George Washington? Could it be the strong broad shoulders? Imagining him in uniform. Brown should have shown more photos of himself in uniform. This is trivia , I suppose, but Brown looks strong , sounds strong and does not hold back with Common Sense Conservatism. Washington didn't like hero worship but come on ...when you have milquetoast Reid and the guy with the sometimes knee grow dialect, to see everyday a wide shouldered gentleman is a relief to my eyes.
Brown emits enough confidence for a MONEY BOMB on $1.3 million raised on cue on January 11th. The Special Election is January 19th. The Democrat Socialists have threatened not to seat Brown right away should he win. Let me ask Reid: You and what army will stop Brown from being seated?
Brown emits enough confidence for a MONEY BOMB on $1.3 million raised on cue on January 11th. The Special Election is January 19th. The Democrat Socialists have threatened not to seat Brown right away should he win. Let me ask Reid: You and what army will stop Brown from being seated?
Monday, January 11, 2010
Sarah Palin To Become a FOX News Contributor
Today (Monday January11) Glenn Beck on his radio show said that everyday he prays that Sarah Palin with God's guidance finds a way to leadership in the GOOD OL' USA.
Everything is so promising today Scott Brown is half way through his MONEY BOMB campaign of a 1/2 Million dollars and.......................
Sarah Palin may be coming full circle to one of her first jobs- TV Anchor. Note that most of the u-tube videos have been removed but this one remained from nearly 20 years ago.
TODAY it was announced SARAH PALIN will become a FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR . She will,as well, make special features to be viewed periodically on that Channel.
Sarah Palin on Fox News
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Updates on Brown and Reid:BOTH GOOD

Tea Party Express III Shows this Las Vegas newspaper poll results: Good # 1. All the Republican Candidates will trounce Reid in his senate race in November. We only need one Republican to slap the b*&*&@ on November 2010.
Do contribute to Tea Party Express III ad campaign against filthy smell of a man-Reid. HERE.Our Country PAC sponsors the Tea Party Express III buses and the ads in the Nevada. Every $5 or $10 contribution we send buys a nail for Reid's coffin and his final -evil power days.

Good #2: This from the Brown in Massachusetts Campaign for US Senate seat to end Kennedy domination there. A Money Bomb Campaign for tomorrow January 11th . Pledge and contribute on the 11th HERE. This Money Bomb comes at a time when just days away from the Special Election on January 19th BROWN IS AHEAD BY 1% Point. Nothing like a struggle and a winning poll to get people interested enough to pledge money or give it right now HERE.
Friday, January 8, 2010
The First National Tea Party Convention

First National Tea Party Convention with Governor Palin and Representative Michele Bachmann . Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn) will be introducing the Governor.
Information and sign up HEREStill time by January 19th to sign up for Nashville, Tennessee Convention.
Tea Party Express Endorses Scott Brown for US SENATE in Massachusetts

The Tea Party Express is pleased to announce our endorsement of Republican Scott Brown for U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. This will be a critical race, a Special Election that takes place on January 19th, and one that could stop the Democrats from passing through their government-run healthcare monstrosity.
Read below for details on how we here at the Tea Party Express are taking action...

This Special Election will fill the seat of the late Senator Ted Kennedy.
Initially, pundits expected an easy win for the liberal Democrat candidate, Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley.
But new polls out this week showed the race has narrowed to a 9-point margin! And Election Day is just 10 days away!
Republican Scott Brown opposes the government-run healthcare plan now being debated by Congress. He launched his campaign on the platform of lower taxes and reduced government spending.
He has earned the support of many within the Tea Party movement, and we here at the Tea Party Express want to deliver that message to the people of Massachusetts.
With polls showing the Tea Party movement more popular than either the Democrat or Republican parties, we here at the Tea Party Express want to run positive ads announcing our support for Brown's candidacy.
But we have to act fast. The Special Election is on January 19th - just 10 days from now! This is an important election - and will be an uphill battle for us to prevail given the leftward slant of Massachusetts, politically.
But we must take action, for if we can pull out a victory we stop the Democrats dead in their tracks in their effort to secretly ram through their socialistic healthcare plan.
You can contribute any amount you can afford, from as little as $5 to the maximum allowed $5,000 --
We're trying to raise and spend over $100,000 on this race by Election Day. Therefore, we are hoping 500 of you can afford a contribution of $100 or more so we can quickly meet our goal and get up on the airwaves with the Tea Party Express's endorsement of Scott Brown.

If you prefer you may also mail in a contribution to our finance headquarters:
Tea Party Express
ATTN: Scott Brown for Senate
770 L Street #1020
Sacramento, CA 95814
This is the e-mail from Tea Party Express sent out 1/8/10 . The Special Election is 1/19/10
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Reid The Failing Leader
Our Country Deserves better than Reid and Obama. Sock it to both of them HERE Our Country Deserves Better is the TEA PARTY EXPRESS III sponsor and will be holding anti Reid ads and rallies in Harry's state of Nevada. Reid has collected $8.7 million but it is not enough to wash off the stink of treason toward the American people. Enslaving us to Death Care is anti- American and traitorous.
January 19th Special Election in Massachusetts for(R)Scott Brown. Contributions must be in by January 11th HERE. A great chance to stop the 60 vote plurality in the US SENATE. Reid is trying to ram Death Care Bill through to the POTUS dirty desk to be signed in Blood of Old People and the Unborn before January 19th. Death Care Bill is unconstitutional. Obama is anti Constitution-Reid is anti Constitution. HOW CAN WE FIGHT FOR OUR CONSTITUTION WITHOUT GIVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEN NEEDED? Obama and Reid will dread Scott Brown on the scene.
My favorite from now to 2012 election SARAH PAC. I use an avatar of Palin in foreground and Reagan over her shoulder. That says it all.
Defeating Reid,
Sarah Pac,
Scott Brown for US Senate
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Love That Texas!

Even though Debra Medina is not a name mentioned in most political circles she is a Conservative candidate for Governor of the state of Texas. She even led in one poll over well known Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson. Here is an article showing she may even have a chance to beat the front runner Governor Perry in 2010. In upcoming polls in Texas you have to watch her determination to fight for Texas to avoid those horrible Obamanations like his Death Care and anti-gun ownership stances. BESIDES Medina may be the only one left standing read TEXAS Battle.
Texas has a plethora of good strong conservatives to pick and choose from; while places like my home state of New York has but a few candidates to represent my Palin Conservative Brand. I was so happy to see Doug Hoffman in New York's 23 District make such a large splash onto the front pages. He had the early support of Governor Palin among others. Governor Rich Perry will, I assume, continue to have Palin's support. I cannot pretend to know what SARAHPAC will do, but it is not outlandish to think that she may direct some of her PAC money to Debra. Conservatives should always have this problem of too many choices.
Remember New York State and Massachusetts are not like Texas. We have a Hoffman every once in a while. Massachusetts now has a special election coming toward us at warp speed. On January 19th State Senator Scott Brown is running for Dead Ted's Senate Seat. The Socialist Democrats are trying to hide this special election from the public so that it does not get headline coverage like Hoffman did. Scott Brown I hope will be endorsed by Sarah Palin but if he is not he still represents in the Senate the possibility that the Death Care Sentence will be lifted by his vote with the Republicans and against the strangle hold of Harry Reid.
First comes Massachusetts's challenge on January 19th then comes some other interesting races for Conservatives to watch like the Debra Medina one in Texas.
Life is always more interesting with a deep bench of talent.
Debra Medina,
Rick Perry,
Scott Brown
Gallup Poll and The Bus Tours

The Obama Thugs in the White House are going after Pollster Scott Rasmussen for telling the truth on his findings. Rasmussen Polls show me, for one, that Obama will be grounded for the next three years. The trouble with Democrat Socialists trying to kill the messenger is that other messengers take its place. This is a Gallup Poll on Obama. The POTUS is still going to be grounded but may attend his dates and vacations and little more.
A CNN year end report mentions The Tea Party Express as one of the causes of the poll's showings. We would hope so. Next year let us hope for one of the causes of Senator "Bribe 'em if ya have to" Reid's demise will be the Tea Party Express III which is targeting the gremlin in his bid for re-election in Nevada. Throw him and the other bums like Sen.Ben Nelson out.
Attending a Tea Party Rally usually costs nothing but your time. Our Country Deserves Better which sponsors the Tea Party Express Buses runs on your donations of $5 or $10 . Visit here and buy some EXPRESS.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Scott Brown in Special Election January 19th in MA.
Scott Brown is a MA. State Senator running for the Dead Ted Kennedy SENATE seat.
Socialist Democrats are trying to keep this election under wraps so they can keep what they call "Kennedy's Seat". Democrat Socialist nationally headed by evil geniuses like Rambo Emmanuel and Chuck Schumer like to think of the electorate as a bunch of dummies who have to do "obamabidding". ACORN will be out getting fat socialists in Boston etc to vote. On January 19th they will try and hold this seat but Conservatives are going to fight tooth and nail and wallets.
A "money bomb" is being set up for the last date to contribute to Scott Brown but I just gave some $$$. CONTRIBUTE HERE.
TWITTER's TOP CONSERVATIVES are signing up with the Scott Brown's for Senate campaign to make telephone calls into Massachusetts.
Scott Brown's election will break the 60 vote US Senate's hold on all of America. Let's break it over Reid's head. He is going to be very preoccupied by his own election in Nevada - a state that does not like him anymore. Death Care is understood in Reid's state and can be stopped by this special election of Scott to the Senate on January 19th. Give Dead Ted one more shovel of dirt so that millions of newborns and elderly may live without his DEATH CARE BILL.
Get political:
Remember January 10th is deadline to Contribute $$$.
Look for Special Election on January 19th.
What does $25 or $50 or more mean to you if you have to suffer Death Care and Death Panels and Death Counseling?
Bring Massachusetts back into the UNION.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Impeach Obama : To Do List for 2010

Section 4 - Disqualification
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Check out what is meant by Treason,Bribery or other crimes etc. in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH SECTION which is highlighted.
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