Even though Debra Medina is not a name mentioned in most political circles she is a Conservative candidate for Governor of the state of Texas. She even led in one poll over well known Senator Kay Baily Hutchinson. Here is an article showing she may even have a chance to beat the front runner Governor Perry in 2010. In upcoming polls in Texas you have to watch her determination to fight for Texas to avoid those horrible Obamanations like his Death Care and anti-gun ownership stances. BESIDES Medina may be the only one left standing read TEXAS Battle.
Texas has a plethora of good strong conservatives to pick and choose from; while places like my home state of New York has but a few candidates to represent my Palin Conservative Brand. I was so happy to see Doug Hoffman in New York's 23 District make such a large splash onto the front pages. He had the early support of Governor Palin among others. Governor Rich Perry will, I assume, continue to have Palin's support. I cannot pretend to know what SARAHPAC will do, but it is not outlandish to think that she may direct some of her PAC money to Debra. Conservatives should always have this problem of too many choices.
Remember New York State and Massachusetts are not like Texas. We have a Hoffman every once in a while. Massachusetts now has a special election coming toward us at warp speed. On January 19th State Senator Scott Brown is running for Dead Ted's Senate Seat. The Socialist Democrats are trying to hide this special election from the public so that it does not get headline coverage like Hoffman did. Scott Brown I hope will be endorsed by Sarah Palin but if he is not he still represents in the Senate the possibility that the Death Care Sentence will be lifted by his vote with the Republicans and against the strangle hold of Harry Reid.
First comes Massachusetts's challenge on January 19th then comes some other interesting races for Conservatives to watch like the Debra Medina one in Texas.
Life is always more interesting with a deep bench of talent.